Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Look at NLFCS Subsidiaries and Associate Companies

The blog might take a bit longer to load now that I have uploaded a lot of PDF files.

I have gone to the Syarikat Suruhjaya Malaysia to get this information which is available online at for Rm$15 per company.

The subsidiaries are as listed here and

I could not find any information for Kewalram Oils Sdn Bhd and K.T. Steel Sdn Bhd. I have not included Plantation Agencies Sdn Bhd as NLFCS owns just 23% of it and has no effective control. It has only one director out of 9 on the board of Plantation Agencies, so it is a passive investment. The total profit after tax earned by Plantation Agencies for 31-12-07 was 1.4m.

To view the documents at full size just click on the square box on the right or on the yellow circle on the left and then the square box on the right, to see a full size image.

Let me start going through these companies by the order I posted the information/pdf files.

I will just be highlighting mainly the Profit and Loss account, the rest of the info, balance sheet, charges and the officers and directors you can see for yourself on the blog; they are all familiar names most of the time.

The Profit and Loss and the Balance Sheet are on the last and 2nd last pages of the pdf files respectively.

The accounts are the latest available to the Syarikat Suruhjaya Malaysia, so in some cases they are for 31-12-06 (one case for 31-12-05) and in others 31-12-07. I have no idea why the 2007 accounts have not been filed for some of these companies yet. I believe they have till the end of June (next week).

If there are no percentages beside the company name, then it is a 100% subsidiary.

The figures are as the PDF file's, the only calculation I have included is the Net Profit Margin

The Unappropriated Profit/Loss Carried Forward is simply in most cases the Unappropriated Profit/Loss Brought Forward + Net Profit/Loss or Minority Interest + Net Dividend

Lava Protocols Sdn Bhd (40% Associate)

Latest Accounts as at 31-12-06

Paid Up Capital : 300,000 (Even though it says 2 in the balance sheet, this was the total number of shares issued at 1 ringgit for cash)

Operating Revenue : 3,000
Profit After Taxation : -42,839
Net Profit Margin : None
Unappropriated Profit Brought Forward : 0
Unappropriated Profit Carried Forward : -42,839

Wira Konsep Sdn Bhd [Even thought officially it says that this is a 49% associate, my calculations of its shareholdings (Nalfin Realities owns 140,000 shares out of 200,000) put it at a 70% subsidiary].

Latest Accounts as at 31-12-05

Paid Up Capital : 200,000
Operating Revenue : 493,874
Profit After Taxation : 9,942
Net Profit Margin : 2%
Unappropriated Profit Brought Forward : -1,014,080
Unappropriated Profit Carried Forward : -1,004,138

Apollo Medical Centre Sdn Bhd (72% subsidiary)

Latest Accounts as at 31-12-07

Paid Up Capital : 6,460,000

Operating Revenue : 4,541,352
Profit After Taxation : -1,718
Net Profit Margin : 0
Unappropriated Profit Brought Forward : -6,503,916
Unappropriated Profit Carried Forward : -6,505,634

Apollo TTDI Medical Centre Sdn Bhd

Latest Accounts as at 31-12-07

Paid Up Capital : 5,000,000

Operating Revenue : 2,575,093
Profit After Taxation : -1,082,393
Net Profit Margin : 0
Unappropriated Profit Brought Forward : -6,571,232
Unappropriated Profit Carried Forward : -7,653,625

Nalfin Healthcare Sdn Bhd (Nalfin Healthcare own the interest in Apollo Medical Centre and Apollo TTDI Medical Centre, so the below is roughly a consolidation of the above 2 companies)

Latest Accounts as at 31-12-06

Paid Up Capital : 9,100,002

Operating Revenue : 7,101,314
Profit After Taxation : -1,134,478
Minority Interest : 191,279
Net Profit Margin : 0
Unappropriated Profit Brought Forward : -7,983,732
Unappropriated Profit Carried Forward : -8,926,931

Nalfin Trading (76% subsidiary)

Latest Accounts as at 31-12-07

Paid Up Capital : 396,002

Operating Revenue : 10,786,389
Profit After Taxation : 113,256
Net Profit Margin : 1.05%
Net Dividend : -57,816
Unappropriated Profit Brought Forward : 471,985
Unappropriated Profit Carried Forward : 527,425

Mamtaj Travel Agency Sdn Bhd

Latest Accounts as at 31-12-07

Paid Up Capital : 500,000

Operating Revenue : 9,694,329
Profit After Taxation : 39,496
Net Profit Margin : 0.40%
Unappropriated Profit Brought Forward : -144,585
Unappropriated Profit Carried Forward : -105,089

Minsawi Industries (Kuala Kangsar) Sdn Bhd

Latest Accounts as at 31-12-06

Paid Up Capital : 6,594,000

Operating Revenue : 43,151,540
Profit After Taxation : 1,229,520
Net Profit Margin : 2.85%
Unappropriated Profit Brought Forward : -1,830,318
Unappropriated Profit Carried Forward : -600,798

Nalfin Realities Sdn Bhd [this is the central holding company of all the subsidiaries mentioned here, excluding Status Point. So the results below will be the consolidated result of the subsidiaries (not the associates i.e. companies it owns less than 50% of will not be consolidated into the accounts) plus whatever own business Nalfin Realities does i.e. property development]

Latest Accounts as at 31-12-06

Paid Up Capital : 32,430,250

Operating Revenue : 69,354,660
Profit After Taxation : -124,197
Net Profit Margin : 0
Other : -1,862,179
Minority Interest : 82,075
Net Dividend : -350,247
Unappropriated Profit Brought Forward : 1,582,265
Unappropriated Profit Carried Forward : -548,086

No idea what the Other -1.8m loss is for.

Status Point Sdn Bhd

Latest Accounts as at 31-12-07

Paid Up Capital : 8,000,000

Operating Revenue : 17,438
Profit After Taxation : 1,151,623
Net Profit Margin : ?
Unappropriated Profit Brought Forward : -11,601,737
Unappropriated Profit Carried Forward : -10,450,114

Not sure how they made such a profit with such a low Operating Revenue Figure. If I can surmise, it is likely from extraordinary gains from the sale of an asset.


In a lot of cases the initial investment (Paid Up Capital) has been wiped out (Wira Konsep, Apollo Medical Centre, Apollo TTDI Medical Centre and Status Point) or close to being wiped out Nalfin Healthcare (Loss Carried Forward of 8.9m vs 9.1m of Paid Up Capital).

In most cases the Net Profit Margin is nonexistent or very, very low.

A lot of the companies have the same key directors (This is also true of Malim Sawit Sdn Bhd, Premium Vegetable Oils Sdn Bhd and Premium Fats Sdn Bhd which are all 100% subsidiaries of Premium Nutrients Berhad which acts as the listed holding company). I think this is pretty unhealthy as it breeds complacency and a lack of accountability. It makes them beholden to each other. On average the directors of these companies have been there for 7 years except Status Point where they have been there for 10 years. It may be a positive or negative thing, but just by looking above you can see that some of these companies have been loss-making for some time (see the Unappropriated Profit Carried Forward figure) and the remaining companies have pretty threadbare profits, so they have been in charge through all this time.

A long hard look has to be taken at the Healthcare business and Status Point and the Profit Margin's have to be improved in all the other business's, otherwise it will not take much for these companies to tip over into loss-making concerns or alternate between loss-making and profit-making indefinitely.

And of course, there should be more accountability and transparency over all these investments and their performance.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Status Point Sdn Bhd

Read this document on Scribd: Status Point Sdn Bhd

Nalfin Realities Sdn Bhd

Read this document on Scribd: Nalfin Realities

Minsawi Industries (Kuala Kangsar) Sdn Bhd

Read this document on Scribd: Minsawi Industries (Kuala Kangsar) Sdn Bhd

Mamtaj Travel Agency Sdn Bhd

Read this document on Scribd: Mamtaj Travel Agency Sdn Bhd

Nalfin Trading Sdn Bhd

Read this document on Scribd: Nalfin Trading Sdn Bhd

Nalfin Healthcare Sdn Bhd

Read this document on Scribd: Nalfin Healthcare Sdn Bhd

Apollo TTDI Medical Centre Sdn Bhd

Read this document on Scribd: Apollo TTDI Medical Cente Sdn Bhd

Apollo Medical Centre Sdn Bhd

Read this document on Scribd: Apollo Medical Centre Sdn Bhd

Wira Konsep Sdn Bhd

Read this document on Scribd: Wira Konsep Sdn Bhd

Lava Protocols Sdn Bhd

Read this document on Scribd: Lava Protocols Sdn Bhd

Information on Subsidiaries and Associates

I'm going to release some information on NLFCS associates and subsidiaries. And later in the week I will write and go through about a few things about this information.

The subsidiaries (what I can find) are as stated here :-

and here

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Nalfin Realities 20% associate being wound up.

See below, I have highlighted the relevant details.

General Announcement
Reference No TC-070305-50945
Stock Name : TALAM
Date Announced : 05/03/2007
Type : Reply to query
Reply to Bursa Malaysia's Query Letter -Reference ID : HY-070302-56373

Contents :Further to our announcement dated 1st. March, 2007 and Bursa Malaysia’s request for further information we hereby announce as follows:

1. The details of the default or circumstances leading to the filing of the winding up petition.

The Petitioner, Tan Hooi Leong ( berniaga dibawah nama dan gaya Pembinaan Khas), was appointed as the main contractor to Noble Rights Sdn. Bhd. for the construction of its 208 units at Bukit Beruntung in 1996. The Petitioner claimed for RM887,257.71 and 8% interest per anum from March 2001 until full realisation. The Arbitrator held in favour of the Petitioner/claimant on 1st. March, 2005 which award was subsequently upheld by the Kuala Lumpur High Court on 28th. March, 2006.

a. Judgement sum RM887,257.71

b. minus amount held by stakeholder RM465,449.81 -------------------

c. balance outstanding debt RM421.807.90pursuant to Judgement dated 28.3.06

d. 8% interest per anum on RM887,257.71 from 11.3.2001until 22.7.2002 RM97,040.53(RM194.47 x 499 days)

e. 8% interest per anum on RM421,807.90from 23.7.2002 until 8.8.2006 (RM92.45 x 1477 days) RM136,548.65---------------------

f. d + e above RM233.589.18

g. Amount due to Petitioner: c + f above RM655,397.08

Noble Rights Sdn. Bhd.’s application for a stay of execution pending application to set aside the award was dismissed by the High Court. An appeal to the Court of Appeal has been filed. However, no date as yet been fixed for the hearing of the application.

2. Whether the subsidiary is a major subsidiary.

Noble Rights Sdn. Bhd. is a property investment and development company incorporated on 18th. December 1993 with an authorized capital of RM500,000.00 of which 60% is held by Maxisegar Sdn. Bhd., 20% by PNSB Development Sdn. Bhd. and 20% by Nalfin Realties Sdn. Bhd. Noble Rights Sdn. Bhd. is not considered as a major subsidiary of Talam Corporation Berhad.
3. The steps taken and proposed to be taken in respect of the winding up proceedings .

Prior to the winding up order Noble Rights Sdn. Bhd. tried to settle the matter amicably through negoations but to no avail.

4. The outcome of the hearing on 28th. February, 2007.

Noble Rights Sdn. Bhd. has, on the 28th. February, 2007, been ordered by the Kuala Lumpur High Court to be wound up. The Petitioner to date has not yet served on Noble Rights Sdn. Bhd. with a sealed copy of the Winding Up Order.

Correigendum to the 1st March, 2007 announcement

Talam Corporation Berhad unreservedly apologise and regret the errors appearing in its 1st. March, 2007 announcement and hereby make the necessary corrections:

a. at para 1 where it stated that Noble Rights Sdn. Bhd. is its wholly owned subsidiary which should read as a subsidiary of Maxisegar Sdn Bhd. holding a 60% equity.

b. at para 2 and para ‘iii’ where the sum of RM233,598.18 was stated as the judgement sum, interest included and cost against Noble Rights Sdn. which the correct amount should read ‘RM655,398.08’.

Query Letter content :
We refer to your announcement dated 1 March 2007 in respect of the aforesaid matter.

In this connection, kindly furnish Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad immediately with the following additional information for public release:The details of the default or circumstances leading to the filing of the winding-up petition;Whether the subsidiary is a major subsidiary; The steps taken and proposed to be taken in respect of the winding-up proceedings; andThe outcome of the hearing on 28 February 2007.

Yours faithfully


Head, IssuersListing Division Group Regulations

THYCopy to : Securities Commission (via fax) (Attention : Mr Chung Tin Fah)

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Reclassification of information in the 2007 Premium Nutrient accounts & Nalfin Realities

If you look below on the previous posting you can see "the related parties transactions and balances" section of the 2006 (page 74) & 2007 (page 76) of the Premium Nutrients Annual Report.

If you can't see it there properly then you can go to :-

Put your cursor on Listed Companies at the top,
from the drop down menu that appears, click Company Announcements,

On the left hand side, choose Annual Reports, then Current,

Just under Company Announcements on the main section in the middle, choose By Company, the the letter P, then from the list, Premium Nutrients and you should have all the annual reports.

When I noticed the differences for 2006 in the Premium Annual Reports in the related parties transactions and balances section I was quite flabbergasted. A 9.7m sale to Status Point does not appear in the actual 2006 report but appears in the 2007 report section for 2006. A 2.46m sale to Nalfin Realities Sdn Bhd does not appear in the actual 2006 report but appears in the 2007 report section for 2006.

Where where this transactions hiding in 2006? I looked for an announcement about this, looked at the notes to the accounts, read all the statements at the front of the 2007 annual report. No mention of how they can simply reclassify information for 2006? This is a listed company, they can't simply reclassify things and not even explain it. Even though it does not not materially affect the company at all, annual reports sent to shareholders should have a high standard of care. The guidelines are there for a reason mainly to provide accurate information to shareholders.

The auditors and the Audit committee should be ashamed of themselves. How can you wrongly classify 12.16m worth of transactions and not even mention it? It does not reflect well on the inner workings of Premium. I can only hope that this is an attempt by the new Managing Director and CEO to rectify the accounting shenanigans of the past but of course the main point is, THINGS LIKE THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN IN THE FIRST PLACE.

If any long suffering Premium shareholder would like to complain about this, they can print or type in on the word document on the link below and post or e-mail it to the address provided.

I mentioned in an earlier post that I would talk about inter-company transactions, well here it is.

Please note this is hypothetical only but not uncommon among organisations worldwide.

Say take the sales from Premum to Nalfin Realities Sdn Bhd of 2.466m made in 2006. The first question to ask is, why is a sale going throught Nalfin Realities rather than directly? If a sale goes throught Nalfin then Nalfin (not a manufacturing concern) will get the commission and price differentials of its further onward sale. In effect, Nalfin is pocketing to some extend, a profit that would have gone to Premium if it sold its product directly.

What/who is Nalfin Realities Sdn Bhd?

See Below

in the about us section

The income for the company is generated by way of Management fees for the financial and consultancy services provided, dividend income received from subsidiaries and associates and also income on financial facilities granted to subsidiaries and associates.

Management fee, consultancy? Shades of Seven M here.

and here

A 100% owned subsidiary of NLFCS

Even thought Nalfin Realities is 100% owned by NLFCS, that does not mean any gains made by it go directly to NLFCS. Say above, again hypothetically, it bought some Palm Kernel Oil from Premium and sold it to Kewalram Oils or anybody else, this profit would first go to pay Nalfin's expenses, the salaries of its personnel and executives and if there was a personal comission for the trader arranging it, then a commission to that person. So you can see how this can shore up Nalfin's performance and give them a profit and of course pay the bills. Whatever is left goes to NLFCS. In this case the the purchase should have been done by a subsidiary Nalfin Trading Sdn Bhd which is only 76% owned by Nalfin Realities (who owns the rest?). So only 76% of any benefits after paying salaries, expenses and as mentioned above, management and consultancy fees would go first to Nalfin Realities, who would use it to pay's it's own cost and salaries, director's fee etc before passing on whatever remains to NLFCS.

I am painting a pretty standard scenario that I'm sure is not unfamiliar to some of us.

It says on the Nalfin Realities website that among others things that it sells estate supplies. Estate Supplies seems to be an all encompassing term. I assume it sells items to the estates under management by NLFCS, among others. Are these estates are getting the best deal for themselves?

The extract below also says that

Nalfin Realties Sdn. Bhd. has been involved in the animal feed business for more than 9 years. We are the sole distributor for our associate company PVOSB who are producing approximately 7500 MT monthly of Extraction Palm Kernel Pellet with oil content less than 3% and 18% protein.

Again, sole distributorship from Premium Vegetable's? Premium Vegetable has it's own marketing arm, why give sole distributorship to Nalfin Realities? Again, this would mean that any gains that would have gone to Premium Vegetable from selling Palm Kernel Pellet's gets filtered through Nalfin which takes a cut.

As I have explained, this kind of structure means that not all the benefits flow back to NLFCS. First, there is an opaqueness as NLFCS owns 100% of Nalfin Realities and Nalfin Realities in turn owns stakes in 7 subsidiaries, so all these sudsidiaries are technically indirect subsidiaries rather than direct subsidiaries of NLFCS. Because of this structure, Nalfin Realities calls the shots rather than NLFCS in all these subsidiaries and of course accounting wise it makes everything rather opaque compared to NLFCS owning direct stakes in all these companies.

And the flow of money stops at Nalfin Realities before flowing to NLFCS. Dividends etc of all these subsidiaries go through Nalfin Realities before getting to NLFCS. Say Nalfin Realities received 1m in profits, had to pay 0.5m as salaries etc, only the remainder would be appropriated by NLFCS.

A lot of these these subsidiaries seem to have the same directors and management team so each of these people will be receiving director's fee and salaries from all these subsidiaries. 7 salaries and director's fee. That may make sense or that may not.

I hope the next time you see inter-company transactions, that your hackles are raised.

Monday, June 2, 2008

NLFCS dealings with Metrod brought up in Parliament

Search for NLFCS in the pdf file, its starts at the bottom of Page 54

NLFCS brought up in Parliament - Metrod (1996)

Dr. Goh Cheng Teik: Tuan Pengerusi, saya berharaplah Ahli-ahli Yang
Berhormat tidak mempolitikkan [Ketawa] pergerakan koperasi.
Tentang KOBENA dan juga pembelian saham METROD oleh National Land
Finance Cooperative Society Limited
, suka saya menjelaskan bahawa KOBENA sedang
dalam proses melunaskan hutangnya. Kedudukan hutang telah berkurangan dari RM185
juta pada tahun 1993 kepada RM101 juta pada tahun 1994 dan terus berkurangan kepada
RM68 juta pada 1995.
Tentang isu saham METROD, Ketua Pendaftar sedang mengendali isu saham
METROD yang dibeli oleh NLFCS sebagai satu kes pertikaian di bawah seksyen 82 Akta Koperasi 1993.

Tuan Ahmad Kamaruzaman bin Mohamed Baria: [Bangun]

Tuan Pengerusi [Tuan Ong Tee Keat]: Yang Berhormat, Jerantut bangun.

Tuan Ahmad Kamaruzaman bin Mohamed Baria: Tuan Pengerusi, saya
hendak bertanya kepada Yang Berhormat Timbalan Menteri dari segi KOBENA dia
punya hutang telah menurun dengan begitu mendadak, adakah ianya disebabkan
keuntungan yang dibuat oleh KOBENA ataupun oleh kerana asetnya telah dijual dan
keuntungan dari segi penjualan aset yang merupakan extraordinary gains telah
menyebabkan penurunan dari segi hutang tersebut? Adakah Yang Berhormat Timbalan
Menteri mempunyai detail tersebut? Terima kasih.

Dr. Goh Cheng Teik: Tuan Pengerusi, saya perlukan sedikit notislah. Walau
bagaimanapun, akan memberi jawapan secara bertulis kepada Ahli Yang Berhormat itu.

Tuan Lim Guan Eng: [Bangun]

Tuan Pengerusi [Tuan Ong Tee Keat]: Yang Berhormat, Kota Melaka bangun.

Tuan Lim Guan Eng: Terima kasih, Tuan Pengerusi, tentang pertanyaan yang
saya buat dalam ucapan saya semalam, tentang KOBENA dan NLFCS, soalan saya ialah
tentang penjualan oleh NLFCS. Penjualan saham METROD dengan pembelian.
Pembelian merupakan satu isu siasatan, tetapi pertanyaan saya semalam dalam ucapan saya ialah penjualan kerana ada setengah-setengah ahli NLFCS rasa bahawa penjualan ini tidak berkepentingan koperasi tersebut. Memandangkan METROD sekarang telah pun disenaraikan dalam BSKL
dan penjualan ini adalah kepada ahli-ahli keluarga Lembaga
Pengarah NLFCS.
Oleh sebab itu saya harap, kerana saya telah timbulkan perkara ini pada tahun
lepas dan pada masa itu,Yang Berhormat Timbalan Menteri dalam satu jawapan bertulis
kepada saya menyatakan bahawa siasatan masih dijalankan dan telah dirujuk kepada BPR
untuk tindakan selanjutnya. Itulah jawapan bertulis daripada Yang Berhormat bahawa
hasil daripada pemeriksaan tersebut dirujuk kepada BPR untuk tindakan selanjutnya.
Saya hendak tanya apakah keputusan oleh BPR tentang perkara ini?

Dr. Goh Cheng Teik: Tuan Pengerusi, semalam Ahli Yang Berhormat
bangkitkan isu pembelian saham METROD dan seperti saya jawabkan tadi, Ketua
Pendaftar menganggap ini sebagai satu kes pertikaian di mana ada ahli koperasi yang
tidak bersetuju dengan pembelian saham METROD ini dan telah mempertikaikan
pembelian itu. Oleh yang demikian mengikut akta kita, Ketua Pendaftar boleh
menganggap ini sebagai satu kes pertikaian dan akan mengadakan pendengaran dan
mendengar kedua-dua pihak, ini tentang isu METROD.

Tuan Lim Guan Eng: [Bangun]

Tuan Pengerusi [Tuan Ong Tee Keat]: Ya, dia bangun lagi, Yang Berhormat.

Tuan Lim Guan Eng: Tuan Pengerusi, kalau begitu bolehkah saya bertanya
tentang penjualan saham METROD oleh NLFCS yang lebih dipertikaikan oleh ahli-ahli kerana saham ini dijual di bawah nilai sebenarnya.
Bolehkah Yang Berhormat memberikan kedudukan muktamad tentang perkara ini kerana seperti yang saya nyatakan tadi, Yang Berhormat telah memberi satu jawapan bertulis pada saya bahawa perkara ini telah dirujuk kepada BPR?
Kedua, tentang KOBENA, adakah kementerian akan menyokong penyenaraian
KOBENA, sungguhpun ia dalam keadaan rugi iaitu kedudukan prestasi kewangan ia
masih mengalami kerugian terkumpul? Kalau begitu adakah ini merupakan satu
precedent yang membolehkan semua kopersi yang lain, sungguhpun mereka menghadapi
kedudukan rugi, mereka pun boleh disenaraikan dalam BSKL?

Dr. Goh Cheng Teik: Tuan Pengerusi, berkenaan dengan saham METROD
seperti saya katakan tadi, ada orang yang mempertikaikan pembelian ini dan mengatakan
itu dan ini. Oleh yang demikian, Ketua Pendaftar akan mengadakan satu pendengaran
dan mendengar kedua-dua pihak dan sebelum pendengaran ini selesai, Tuan Pengerusi,
saya tidak dapat memberi apa-apa jawapan yang lebih lanjut.

What can I say? The above speaks for itself. Another case of money/value that should have gone to NLFCS going to those who are meant to safeguard its assets for the membership. And I am just dealing with publicly available information.